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Q&A with Rianto Lokoran, second in command of Borana Conservancy’s anti-poaching team

What inspired you to become a ranger? 

Since a young age, I’ve always been passionate about wildlife and conservation. This passion led me to pursue a degree in conservation in college. Now, I’m proud to say I’ve been a ranger on Borana Conservancy for 15 years.

Can you share a memorable experience from your time as a ranger? 

Absolutely! One of the most unforgettable moments was when I first arrived on Borana. At that time, there were no rhinos in the conservancy. In 2013, I got a call from Borana Conservancy to help bring in 10 black rhinos. Being part of that monumental conservation effort was incredible.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

What I love most is the satisfaction of protecting and conserving wildlife. It’s a deeply rewarding experience to know that my work makes a difference.

What is the most challenging part of your job? 

The most challenging times are when rhinos go missing for several days. We often spend 4-7 days searching in difficult terrain to locate them, which can be really tough. One major challenge is dealing with poachers targeting rhinos. It’s unnerving not knowing when or how many people might come to harm the animals but we have not had a poaching incident on Borana Conservancy in over 10 years

Can you describe a typical day in your life as a ranger? 

Our job is very dynamic, and we’re on standby 24/7. Senior officers always keep their phones and radios with them to respond to any situation. A typical day might involve locating a rhino and reporting on their welfare. Since the conservancy spans over 32,000 acres, there’s always plenty to do.

What can the public do to support rangers and conservation efforts? 

The public and guests can greatly contribute by fostering strong relationships with the local community, and supporting initiatives like job opportunities, water projects, mobile clinics, and school construction. Locals provide invaluable insights and monitor activities outside conservation areas, reporting issues like broken fences. Every bit of support significantly advances our efforts.

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